Anyway, my spring semester at Manchester Community College has begun. I've been to my math (algebra) class so far. The semester started on a Thursday (why in the middle to end of the week I can't fathom?!?!) and I don't have any classes on Friday so math is the only class I've been to so far. It is going to be an interesting class. The professor has warned us that we will be covering a week's worth of information in each class seeing as it is a combined course of Basic algebra and intermediate algebra in one class (it is also 2 1/2 hours each class! and she let us know we would be in class for the ENTIRE 2 1/2 hours!).
During the winter break I did get some stitching done on my Cirque de Cercles. Actually quite a bit more than I thought I would...
I'm posting three different pictures of what I've been up to...
This first one was taken on 1/11/2010...
This one was taken 1/15/2010...
and this last one was taken on 1/24/2010...this is about 1 1/2 pages complete of the 6 page pattern...
Most of my stitching time now that classes are back in session will be on Monday evenings when I have an hour that I'm sitting at the ice rink while my daughter takes skating lessons. There really isn't a space for me to study there and it is easier to stitch while sitting in the "bleachers" with my headlamp around my neck for light vs trying to juggle books, pads and pencils to do math...
Thanks for looking and I look forward to updating my progress again soon...
Wow you are doing a wonderful job on this piece. I cannot wait to see it grow.
Good luck this semester - CDC looks awesome!
cdc is looking great - really growing now.
As for 2 1/2 hours of maths - omg i would rather stick pins in my eyes, i just could never get on with it.
CDC is growing by leaps and bounds - so beautiful. I'm in major awe over the maths classes (that's loooong in my past, and I'm happy to leave it there. LOL)
You're really coming along on this one. It's going to be really pretty.
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your wonderful stitching :)
I have been intimidated by CDC, but after seeing your progress on it, I think I may just get that pattern! It is so lovely. Do you get to choose the color you want to stitch it in, or does it come in kit form? Guess I had better do some checking. Thanks for the update and good studying. I admire the guts!
very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you
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