We had a lovely time at the shore. We had quite a few days of sun (and a few of clouds) and the kids had a ball playing in the "surf" (for as much surf as you get in Long Island Sound/Narragansett Bay).
As you can see from these pictures, fun was had by all...
The first picture is my son on his boogie board. (He really improved his swimming during lessons just before vacation and was swimming in the waves like a fish- we couldn't stop him!!). The next picture is my daughter (on the left) and her friend that spent the week with us, showing off their sand castle creations.
The third picture is of all three kids "eating" their lobsters...well, my son polished his off, my daughter ate the large claws and some of her tail and her friend had the small legs and nothing else...we had yummy seafood pasta the next night with all the leftover lobster from the girls. The final picture is of my kids and my husband hanging out in their "pool" they built at the edge of the water. No there aren't any pictures of me (which is fine!!) because I'm the photographer by design!!
As you can see below this, I also had fun on this vacation. I got lots of stitching time, whether it was sitting on the beach under the umbrella or at the house sitting on the couch under the window utilizing all the natural sunshine I could.
This first picture I took this on Tuesday (we'd been at the beach house for three days at this point). I would have updated the blog then but we had LIMITED connectivity that wasn't stable (was there one minute and gone the next!!)
This picture was taken yesterday (8/10) in the morning, so it shows the work from 8/4-8/10 in the early am. The small "square" that has the floss coming out of it is the upper most and furthest right, so the top edge is complete. I have completed 99% of page 2 and about 50% of page 3.
Almost a month ago now I mentioned in my post I was applying to go to some classes at the local Community College for some pre-requisite classes before starting a nursing program. I was accepted and I've signed up for my two classes (anatomy and physiology 1 and an intro to computers). Yesterday I purchased my textbooks online (if you know a student going to college- have them find out what books they need and look online, I saved $170 on my books over what I would have spent in the school bookstore!!). So now I'm challenging myself to finish CdC before classes start on 8/31. We'll see if that happens with all I have to do between now and then with getting the kids ready to go back to school too...