The first thing to report on is my BoInk...I finished the next installment within a day of receiving it and have only one more piece to go before completing this lovely piece from Tracy Horner of InkCircles.
In that time I've had many frogs visit me.
They started off as tadpoles and only a stitch or two here and there and now today I think it is a whole entire family of frogs including grandparents, aunts, uncles and long lost nephews!!! All of the critters attacked my Blackstone Fantasy Garden.
I've finished the "brown" knot outline with no problem (well, haven't found a problem yet!!) and was beginning to progress on the lower right portion of the "green" knot and it seemed to be going fairly well until I noticed a problem with the lowest swirl in the bottom right corner. Ripped/frogged that out and thought I was set and was again happily stitching along when I realized that the inner swirl and the "boxes" leading up to it were off by ONE STITCH...
I've spent the better part of today ripping out and recounting and trying to find the ends of threads so as to rip out...
and here is where I'm at now...time to re-stitch and hopefully not see anymore frogs for awhile...
And on top of all these frogs a bug has come to visit my house!!
I truly think it was the flu for my dh and I. He started not feeling well on Sunday 2/8. I started feeling "off" on Monday and by Tuesday we were both in a total fog (which is probably when the frogs saw their opportunity to join my stitching projects. Well, dh and I both were on the mend by Friday when ds started with his "cough". He's had this cough in the past and it is so frightening to hear him. It is a croupy cough that just won't stop and he can barely catch his breath, so I picked him up from school and off to the pediatrician we went and got his usual prescription for it. He's still hacking up a lung but you can tell he feels better because he wants to go outside and play.
We thought for sure that dd had some how avoided getting the "DISEASE"...we thought too soon...on Saturday, 2/14 she decided she didn't want to go to gymnastics. This is never a good sign because she loves going. It was a good thing we didn't push her though. By the time her class would have been underway she had spiked a fever of 102º and was a pile of mush on the couch alternating between hot and cold periods.
Hopefully Sunday 2/15 will be a better day and we'll all be on the mend soon... I can't wait until Spring is officially here and the weather warms up so we can open doors and windows to air out the bugs and the frogs...