The kids arrived home on Tuesday evening from Disney World. They had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa and all (including G&G) were exhausted.
The Floor project was complete on Tuesday morning and major part of the furniture was moved back in then.
I'm quite happy with the results I got...some spots need some further work but with two active kids and a dog and a cat, I'm sure I'll be "redoing" this floor again before the end of their stay (the kids) in this house...
My other finish is the Alphabet Quaker block from the Stitch Creations blog...
I'm also quite happy with how this came out and have my son finding out his teacher's favorite color and probably going to make one of these into a keychain for her for the end of school.
Off to finish reloading all of the stuff into the dining room, the hutch is still empty, etc...have a wonderful weekend everyone.
I hope to have an update on rosebud wreath and Blackstone Fantasy garden early next week.